Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New favorite quote!

I ran across this quote today in an article I was reading and thought it was excellent! I wanted to remember it... and be able to re-read it. So, here's my next addition to my blog!

"Take your fears to the Lord. Talk to him and listen to him. Then, if you feel a spiritual motion as tiny as the touch that a butterfly's wing might make, acknowledge it, heed it, and let his influence work upon you.
The Lord wants you to succeed
even more than you want to yourself.
Have faith in a perfect Father's love, fearing nothing. Remember that love is promised not just to those who have never made a mistake, but that love is promised to every one of us--who have all made mistakes."
--By Patricia T. Holland in talk entitled "Fear Not"


michelle said...

That is something to think about! I feel little whispers of the Spirit all the time, but they are so small...like butterfly wings (or whatever it said) that I don't pay much attention. Unless it wakes me from my sleep, I don't give much heed. But I need to pay more attention to the small and almost imperceptible feelings.

Sakura said...
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