Friday, May 7, 2010

Outta My Boat!

So, I am a nerd!

I have no shame in admitting that :)

One of my nerdy things as a "counselor" (or just because I am interested in the topic of helping people be their best!), I love reading self-improvement books. I saw this one on-line and thought it was more counseling related, but, really, it's a bunch of CEO's and famous business people stating with helped them succeed in the business world! I was a little disappointed until I related what they were saying to what the average joe (a.k.a. ME!) could learn and discovered some awesome quotes!! It's all about focusing on what you can control while making the best of your life and situation.

Quotes from “That’s Outside My Boat.

Letting Go Of What You Can’t Control”

By – Charlie Jones and Kim Doren

“No door closes without another opening. Embrace it.”

"Water the grass on your side of the fence

and make sure it’s kept well."

"Sometimes just let life happen."

"CELEBRATE what’s in your boat and the life you have!!!"

“Don’t be afraid to change paths –

leave current boat and jump ship!!”

“Never ask yourself why, but ask yourself what.

Don’t ask yourself, 'Why me? Why did this happen?'

Instead, ask yourself, 'What can I do to be a better

person as a result of it? What can I do to get better and

what can I focus on to make a better life for me and my family?'"

Nurse Sister Margaret

“Sometimes what you think is the worst thing that

could happen to you actually turns out to be the BEST

thing that could happen to you.” Jesse Ray

“It’s a process every day.

What could have been is what could have been.

What’s important is what’s now.

I have a choice.

Either I can live for now, or I can live in the past,

and the past will destroy me.” Larry Lindstrand

“You wake up today, you enjoy today.

You have no control of tomorrow

and you’ve lost control of yesterday.

You go inning by inning.” - Joe Torre

1 comment:

Jen Shroder said...

Nice website, you remind me of someone that I knew that was so wise. Thanks for the site. -JenT