Monday, October 29, 2012

Makes me smile :)

A few things recently have made me smile  :)

My list could go on and on... but I'll start with the beautiful weather we've had recently (before Frankenstorm), the colorful Fall leaves, my experiment with cooking (and actually having it turn out OK!), and some opportunities I've had to help others recently...

But, these I actually got pictures of: 

Fancy Nancy coming to town! Totally brought a smile to my face. I wish we could have spent her entire time here together (and then some), but I treasured the time we had. It's so great how we haven't lived together for eight years (or something like that) yet not much has changed in our friendship and I love it!

This little girl. I had the privilege of spending a morning with her last week  and she is adorable. She's so good!! She would say please and thank you... pick up what she was doing before moving on to another activity... loved to laugh... and I loved how she would repeat some things she heard. For instance, the lady I work with said "Bye, Bye, Sweetie" when we were leaving and she replied right back to her "Bye, Bye, Sweetie" as she waved. It was adorable! I also loved her love for animals! Notice her giving a large tiger a hug! She's not scared at ALL! She also loved the gerbils and fish I showed her at the house we were at.
I went to a friend's birthday dinner the other night and had never been down on the Georgetown waterfront before. Most of this area had been washed out with one of the last storms (so I hope they fare well today) but I got to walk around a bit before we met up. It was gorgeous. The lights, the boats... just a really pretty scene. In the back of the picture below is the Kennedy Center.
This is a picture of the Key Bridge I cross at least twice a day... if not more! One day I am going to walk across it :) But, saving that for something special. Ha ha ha!
Life sure does have its challenges, but I feel very blessed to live in the area I do, to have a good job, and to have such amazing friends and family!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What have I been doing lately?!

 I am not totally sure where September went.... and now October... but it's been busy and fun at the same time!

I've been doing a lot... like just hanging out with this fun little girl :)

 Crazy! I don't know how she does it! But she is so strong and has SO much energy!!
For Meradyth's birthday... or as one of the many celebrations during her birth month... we went to Cirque du Soleil and it was A-mazing! I had seen one maybe ten years ago in FL when I was down there with my dad but I don't remember it too much. I am sure each year, or each group, does a different show, but the talent the performers have is incredible. How can they balance, juggle, and do the acrobatic moves so well?!! It is truly amazing and inspiring. They have such dedication and passion for what they do. Made me wish I had some talent in something :) Or, at least the passion that they have for what they do!
 It as right on the Potomac, so we had a beautiful view of the water and the sunset as we left!

 And, what's better than participating in the "Feed The Need" service project in the morning (pic below), then going to a show with some fabulous friends AND THEN off to the RS broadcast afterwards! Such a great day!
As mentioned above - "Feed The Need" - a multi-faith (is that what you call it when a bunch of churches get together to organize a service project?) service project  to benefit the local food pantry took place in the morning. It was a beautiful day for the outdoor event and I think it was a success! We had spent quite a bit of time getting local restaurants to donate bite-sized portions of food for a "Taste of the town" sampling... and participants would come and pay to get in and all the proceeds went to the pantry. We raised almost $10,000. Not bad!

There were many different ways to help out that day, but I got the job of directing traffic. Hence the bright yellow pinny... which was very needed as some of the cars and buses did not care to really slow down or stop when asked... so at least they could see me and not hit me as they sped by! 

It was a fun job though. I've always admired that famous dancing traffic director and wishing I had the guts to do his job!
 One of the best things that happened recently was the opportunity to attend the Kreeger Museum Open House! This might seem a bit silly, but for the past three years I have driven by this museum many times as it's located in the area where I work... and was dying to know what was in it! The kids and I called it the "secret museum" because you needed an appt to see it during the week and because the museum has high, thick walls all around it!

When I heard they were having an open house I knew I had to attend and it was awesome! This is a view from inside the gates :) The grounds were so pretty.
 And this is a picture of the gates that surround the building
Can you see how it just makes you curious... what's on the other side?!
 Well, the museum had lots of beautiful artwork, sculptures and other artistic features. It's an old estate turned in to museum. The back had a beautiful fountain area and it was just a gorgeous day! I was so glad to finally be able to see it!
 Another cool thing I did was participate in a town hall meeting with 200 other Virgina voters. Never done something like this before, but I am very aware that I am in one of the swing states and my vote definitely counts! So, when I was invited to participate, I gladly agreed.
 It was SO interesting. I sat at a table with people from all over the state... democrat and republican, married/single, old/young, wealthy and struggling to make ends meet. We discussed everything from medicare to defense spending...  I appreciated hearing the viewpoints of others, but if anything, it only confirmed my beliefs in who to vote for this fall
 We also got to take "votes" during the meeting to see how others viewed the issues. These little things were so cool!
It was a lot of fun and I felt more informed after it was over.  Only a couple more weeks to go!

So, overall, it's been a great few weeks. Definitely excited to do some more fall related activities in the near future before the winter months hit us!