Friday, July 20, 2012

On my way to a "finer, nobler type of (wo)manhood!

Theodore Roosevelt gave some good advice:

"A man's usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can. It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. All daring and courage - All iron endurance of misfortune - make for a finer, nobler type of manhood. Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die, and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life."

I saw this quote in the American Museum for Natural History and was profoundly impacted by it. What good is my life if I am not willing to take risks to achieve goals?  Sure, I'll stumble and maybe fail from time to time, but if I don't at least try... I see it as similar to just being spectator in life and not really living it! And, in simply trying my best to succeed I will learn things along the way, right?

I see it like a road race. If I don't try it's just like I am watching everyone else run the race of life and I never get the joy of crossing the finish line! Sure, the runners might hit the wall at times, or doubt their ability to make it to the end, but determination, endurance, and a can-do attitude sure can make the difference! It sure is hard to fail - I've done so many times, but I am so glad I at least tried!

Relationships are like this. I've been in many that have failed in the end, but I sure am glad I tried and I learned a lot on the way... and had fun too!!

As I am nearing my next birthday, I see it like a starting point to another year. This time last year I never would have imagined what I would have had to endure this past year with my mom's illness and death. And, looking back, I wouldn't wish the same experience one anyone... but I tried my best. I learned A LOT along the way, I relied A LOT on the Lord and others to help carry me when I didn't think I could go on any further... but I also tried my best. I did my best to have courage, or "iron endurance of misfortune"... and I truly believe in the end it made for "a finer, nobler type of (wo)manhood."

Who knows exactly what this year will bring. Change is for sure. I need to test myself - push myself - and endure whatever misfortunes come my way.... but at the end of this next "birth year" I hope I can say again that I am even more "a finer, nobler woman!"

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